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Benchmarking and Predictive Analytics

Nodal Medical Benchmarking

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The challenge

Workers’ compensation claims are increasingly expensive, with limited visibility into comparable group health benchmarks

The solution

Leverage Milliman’s proprietary group health benchmarks to identify excessive medical spending in WC

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Milliman Nodal named 2023 Innovation Award winner


Nodal Medical Benchmarking benefits

Reduce costs

Strategic insight

Trust built-in expertise

Market-leading data


Nodal Medical Benchmarking features

Treatment benchmarks

Provider ratings

Automated benchmarking

Dynamic reports

Main dashboard overview

Automated benchmarks

Automated benchmarks


Nodal related resources


How does inflation affect workers’ compensation?

U.S. inflation hit a 40-year high in 2022. Because of worker's compsenation claims take a long time to settle, they are particulary vulnerable.


Medical benchmarking: Comparing WC claims to group health to lower your medical costs

With medical expenses in workers’ compensation continuing to rise, data is the key to developing reliable frameworks to understand and benchmark the costs.


Milliman Nodal brochure

See how you can use AI to predict claim outcomes based on underutilized data.


Depression in workers’ compensation claims

A recent Milliman analysis using Nodal found that depression is likely underreported in workers’ compensation claims.

Learn more about Nodal Medical Benchmarking